Distance support is a concrete commitment that transforms the life of a child and his community. It is not just solidarity: it is ensuring adequate nutrition, access to education and essential medical care to those living in vulnerable conditions.
It is a bridge between different worlds that creates lasting and meaningful connections, capable of generating a positive and sustainable impact over time. With your support, you help build real opportunities for growth and development.

What is distance support?

Sponsoring a child at a distance means transforming their life forever! You will give them food, water, education and love, helping them build a better future. It is a special bond that lasts over time, a concrete gesture that changes the destiny of a child, giving them everything they need to grow with dignity and hope.

How to support a child with distance?

Activate your online Distance Support now and choose how and how often to donate: bank transfer, credit card, PayPal, Klarna. With just 1 euro a day, you will give a child education, medical care and protection from violence. A small gesture for you, a new future for him!

Why with Bambini nel Deserto?

Because for over 15 years we have been bringing Distance Support to Africa with commitment and transparency! With Bambini nel Deserto, your help is safe and concrete: you will always know how your contribution changes the life of a child, giving him education, care and a better future.

How long does distance support last?

To truly change a child's life, our Distance Supports are longterm projects. Thanks to your continuity, we can plan long-lasting interventions and promote children's autonomy. However, you have complete freedom to interrupt your contribution whenever you want, informing us promptly.

What are the tax benefits?

Did you know that donations to Bambini nel Deserto for Distance Support are deductible? One more reason to activate it! Every time you send your contribution, you will immediately receive an email with a receipt valid for tax deductions. With a 30% deduction, donating €33 per month will cost you only €23.10. Concrete help for a child, with an advantage for you too!

In which countries are we active?

The Distance Support of Bambini nel Deserto is active in Burkina Faso and Mali, where we help girls and boys in orphanages and family homes to grow up with dignity. Our commitment does not stop here: we are ready to expand our projects to bring hope and a future to other countries!

What happens if I am no longer able to provide my support?

If you are no longer able to guarantee your Distance Support, just contact us. We will record the suspension of your contribution and if you wish we will continue to update you on the developments of the project. Every gesture of help is precious, and even if temporarily suspended, your support has made the difference!

Do you want to support a child's education?

In addition to Distance Support, we are active in Burkina Faso with Study Support, to help girls and boys who, despite having a family, cannot afford to support their schooling. An opportunity that opens doors to the future.

Choose your distance support

You can be the key to his future, the support that allows him to grow strong, happy and safe in his community. He is waiting for you to turn his dreams into reality. Guaranteeing him nutritious food, clean water, essential medical care and a quality education is in your hands. Every gesture of yours can open the doors to a different life. Don't wait: act now! By adopting a child at a distance, you give him not only hope, but the concrete possibility of becoming the adult he has always dreamed of being, the one the world needs to know.

Sostegno Orfanotrofio Wend Mib Tiri Yako

Yako (Burkina Faso)

The Wend Mib Tiri orphanage in Yako, promoted by Burkina Kamba through its supporters, currently accommodates 50 children, focusing mainly on infants and young children who have lost their mothers during childbirth. Under the guidance of Maman Albertine, the center provides full care with essential services: equipped dormitories, an independent water system with a well and pump, solar-powered energy, a medical infirmary, and educational facilities for preschool and first grade.Despite significant security challenges in the area, now designated as a Red Zone, the center continues to operate all essential services. The facility manages a continuous flow of new arrivals, also ensuring support in the delicate process of reintegrating children into their families once they reach the age of 5.Your monthly support helps:Ensure complete and diversified nutritionKeep educational and healthcare services operationalMaintain essential infrastructureSupport staff dedicated to daily care...
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Aiuto bambino al costo di EUR al mese

Sostegno allo studio a Gounghin

Gounghin (Burkina Faso)

The project provides support for the education of 30 girls and boys who are orphans of both parents or at least one of them, aged between 6 and 14, coming from socially disadvantaged families in the Gounghin district.Gounghin is characterized by a high presence of minors. Statistics show that the capital has experienced a significant population increase over the past thirty years, impacting not only urban development but also the social fabric.In popular neighborhoods like Gounghin, many children are either total or partial orphans and cannot rely on family support to pursue their studies. In Burkina Faso, the dominant culture has kept and continues to keep orphaned children in very difficult conditions for development and emancipation. Prejudices and discrimination push these children into severe educational, social, and developmental disadvantage.They are the first to be expelled from the public school system and often have to resort to private or evening remedial courses just to obtain a basic elementary school diploma. Education plays a crucial social role, helping to reduce child labor and preventing social and moral degradation, which inevitably leads to the widespread phenom...
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Aiuto bambino al costo di EUR al mese

Sostegno allo studio al Collège Koulbila

Koulbila (Burkina Faso)

The project provides financial support for the studies of 16 girls from Koulbila College, aged 13 to 18, coming from families in social distress. Koulbila College, built by BnD in 2012, hosts about 300 students, divided into 4 classes, from 6éme to 3éme. The female student body is significantly smaller than the male one, as girls are often required to perform care and domestic work within the family. However, the most serious issue is early and forced marriage, which affects girls from poorer families. There have been cases of school abandonment by girls who, after one or two years of attendance, were "sold" and sent off to marriage due to their families' extreme poverty. Supporting the education of girls provides an incentive for families to allow them to complete their studies. Education plays an important social role and allows girls the opportunity for personal and social emancipation.Your monthly support can help ensure secondary primary education for 10 more girls from vulnerable families, in line with the Conventions on the Rights of the Child and the Agenda of the new 2030 Development Goals....
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Aiuto bambino al costo di EUR al mese

Sostegno allo Studio al Polo Scolastico di Nagreongo

Nagreongo (Burkina Faso)

The Nagreongo School Hub is a project by Bambini nel Deserto that started in 2015.Today, it consists of a kindergarten with three buildings hosting three sections (small, medium, large) and a primary school with three classes, welcoming students from CP1, CE1, and CE2.The social situation in Burkina Faso has significantly deteriorated over the past four years due to the rise of religious radicalism.Various armed groups have targeted schools, forcing over 2,000 to shut down.More than half of the country is now considered a red zone: over 2,000,000 people have been forced to flee their villages, particularly in the North and East, leading to overcrowding in schools in the central regions, which were already at full capacity.In the municipality of Nagreongo, where BnD has been working for many years, there are 19,000 internally displaced people, effectively doubling the population. Many children do not attend school because their families cannot afford school expenses, while those who do often cannot pay for school meals.In our schools (Nagreongo School Hub), we provide free education to around 100 internally displaced or vulnerable children, both in kindergarten and primary school.We...
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Aiuto bambino al costo di EUR al mese

Sostegno all’infanzia a Bamako

Bamako Sikasso (Mali)

The Malidenù orphanage welcomes 17 children in Bamako, Mali, offering them not only protection but a real life project. Under the guidance of director Seydou Keita, the center ensures full education, three daily meals, and a cultural activities program that includes art workshops and traditional dance.For eight years, we have been collaborating with this organization which, despite significant challenges such as limited access to electricity, maintains high standards of child care. The center relies on the constant support of the local adoptive families association and represents the only chance for a future for many children, 75% of whom are orphans.Your monthly support helps to:Guarantee education and school suppliesEnsure a balanced dietProvide essential medical careImprove the conditions of the facility...
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Aiuto bambino al costo di EUR al mese

Educazione e sviluppo a Koulikoro

Koulikoro (Mali)

The Nemaso Center is an essential reference point for 16 vulnerable students in the Koulikoro region, 75% of whom are orphans. The facility, managed by Stephen Iyamu, ensures comprehensive educational pathways: from primary school (7 students) to secondary school (4 students), technical institute (4 students), and university (1 student), demonstrating a concrete commitment to educational excellence.The center ensures three daily meals and regular medical check-ups, with particular attention to health emergencies such as malaria. Despite challenges related to the rising cost of living, transportation, and the need for a permanent building, the staff maintains high standards of care and hygiene, supported by a network of donors.With your monthly support, you contribute to:Ensuring continuity in educational pathwaysImproving the nutritional quality of meals with proteins and dairy productsProviding timely medical assistanceContributing to the goal of a permanent facility...
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Aiuto bambino al costo di EUR al mese

Our recent news

15 Years of Child Sponsorship: A Journey of Hope for the Future

In 2025, Bambini nel Deserto celebrates an important milestone: 15 years of Child Sponsorship. Fifteen years of commitment, stories of growth, and children who, thanks to the solidarity of many,...