Guarantee primary and secondary education to about 40 boys and girls from vulnerable families, in line with the Conventions on the Rights of the Child and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. Collège Koulbila: The female component of the school population is far lower than the male one, as girls are often called upon to perform care and work activities within the family. The most serious problem is early and forced marriage, which affects girls from the poorest families. There have often been cases of school dropout by girls who, after one or two years of attendance, were "sold" and sent into marriage due to the extreme poverty of their families. Supporting girls' education is an incentive for families to allow these girls to complete their studies.
SaD Gounguin: In the most popular neighborhoods of the capital, such as Gounguin, there are many orphans who cannot rely on family help to support their studies. In Burkina Faso, the dominant culture has kept orphaned children in very difficult conditions of development and emancipation.
Prejudices and discrimination confine these children to great backwardness in terms of schooling, social, and educational levels. They are the first to be expelled from the public school system and often have to resort to private or evening remedial courses to at least obtain an elementary school diploma. Supporting these children in their studies is a priority for us.
This project was carried out with the collaboration of these public body lenders or private company lenders
BnD private lenders