Green Re-Evolution is the Bambini nel Deserto program that embodies the concrete commitment towards actions to combat climate change.
For over 20 years we have been actively engaged in implementing practical and tangible interventions to mitigate the harmful effects of climate change and promote a sustainable future with an operational focus on one of the continents, Africa, where climate change is showing its effects most devastating.
We are tackling desertification and global warming with an unprecedented reforestation program. Planting trees is just the beginning: we do much more.
We activate local communities, promoting entrepreneurship, with a special focus on women and young people at risk of migration. Together, let's create a greener and more sustainable future.
In schools, we carry out concrete and tangible environmental awareness activities, training students and teachers on the importance of being agents of change.

Plant a tree: make a difference

We don't just plant a tree: we transform the landscape and the lives of communities in Africa, fighting desertification and supporting people threatened by the loss of fertile lands.

Where do trees grow?

In our nurseries in Africa, active since 2014.

Who plants them?

Local communities and school children participating in the Green Re-Evolution Programme.

Who looks after them?

Our representatives, together with the communities and children, follow the growth of the forests until they reach full autonomy.

Where are?

The trees are planted on community land, in areas dedicated to social enterprises and near schools and health facilities.

Give a tree as a gift

Giving a tree as a gift is an act of love: for the person you give it to, for yourself, for the communities where it will be planted and for the environment.


We fight against the process of desertification and deforestation through direct and concrete actions involving local communities using both traditional and more innovative soil protection systems.

Female entrepreneurship

Women are Africa's great resource and it is together with them that we can create new agroforestry nurseries and at the same time new jobs.

Environmental awareness

The children of the schools involved, followed by our local experts, plant and take care of your tree until it is totally independent.

Education support

The schools that participate in the Green Re-Evolution Program receive an annual contribution for each tree cared for, thanks to which teaching material, new desks and maintenance work at the school are financed.

Great Green Wall

Our trees in the Sahel are planted in the areas affected by the international Great Green Wall program.

Fruit hunger

We create plantations of fruit trees intended to support disadvantaged communities with the aim of also improving the quality and variety of nutrition in schools and orphanages.

Choose the tree you want to give as a gift and give hope

In the next steps, provide the name and email of the person you want to dedicate this gesture to.
Within 48 hours, the person will receive a personalized certificate with your name and yours, a symbol of your contribution to a greener world Choose the tree to give as a gift and join us in our mission because every tree planted is a step towards a better future.
Donate today and make a difference!


The Gum Arabic Tree

The Acacia is a plant of the Fabaceae family native to tropical Africa and is widely distributed in all the countries of the Sahelian region and also in desert areas.

The Acacia provides gum arabic, a valuable natural substance composed of various components including Arabinose, and is widely used as a food additive, in crafts, and as a cosmetic.

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Plant Acacia


The Tree of life

If the lion is considered the king of animals, the Baobab is surely the king of trees… at least in Africa.

Baobabs are trees with large trunks that can reach up to 25 meters in height and a diameter of over 7 meters. This gigantic plant has a great capacity for water storage within its trunk (up to 120,000 liters), which ensures its extraordinary survival capability in the Sahel.

The crown fills, for a few months each year, with large palmate leaves, later displaying large, very fragrant flowers that bloom at night.

The oval-shaped fruit contains an edible pericarp and a large kidney-shaped seed.

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Plant Baobab


The Tree of Eternal Youth

The Shea tree is a plant from the Sapotaceae family, very common in Africa; it varies in height between 10 and 15 meters and has a trunk that can reach one meter in diameter.

The bark is very thick to protect itself from the high temperatures present in the Sahel.

From its seeds, improperly called shea nuts, shea butter is extracted, which can be slightly yellow or green, with a pleasant and slightly sweet smell.

Due to its characteristics, it is used in many cosmetic products or as a condiment.

In ancient times, in the kingdom of Mali, shea oil was used, mixed with local soil, to coat walls as if it were lime.

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Plant Karitè


The king of fruits

The Mango is a drupe-type fruit that comes from numerous species of tropical trees belonging to the genus Mangifera.

Cultivated primarily for their fruit, most of these species of trees are found in the wild.

The genus belongs to the Anacardiaceae family of cashews.

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Plant Mango


The tree that protects coastlines

The Mangrove is essential for coastline protection and the creation of biodiversity-rich habitats.

Planting Mangroves in the Sine Saloum National Park in Senegal helps combat marine erosion and promotes both terrestrial and aquatic life.

The aerial roots of the Mangrove act as a natural barrier against waves and currents, stabilizing soil and preventing coastal erosion.

This protection not only preserves land but also fosters mangrove forests that serve as nurseries for numerous marine and terrestrial species.

The presence of Mangroves supports local biodiversity by providing vital habitats for fish, crustaceans, birds, and other animals.

It also contributes to climate change mitigation by absorbing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in soil and roots.

Planting Mangroves in the Sine Saloum National Park not only protects vulnerable coastlines but also represents a concrete commitment to preserving and regenerating marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

It promotes environmental sustainability and enhances resilience of local communities facing global challenges.

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Plant Mangrovia


The miracle tree

The Moringa is a plant belonging to the Moringaceae family, originating from India and Pakistan and now widespread in much of the tropical and equatorial regions of the planet.

Moringa oleifera reaches 7 meters in height, but with deep and fertile soil, it can exceed 10 meters; it has an erect or branched trunk from the base, soft and spongy in texture; the wood is weak, and the thin, intertwined branches are drooping.

The entire plant is edible and possesses significant nutritional interest. Notably, the protein content of the plant parts is complete, meaning the parts of the plant contain the full range of amino acids required for protein needs, including essential ones.

This fact is almost unique among plants: Moringa oleifera can be defined as the only known plant today with such characteristics.

These characteristics make Moringa an interesting plant also from a humanitarian point of view, as it has great potential to combat hunger, malnutrition, and, consequently, poverty.

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Plant Moringa


The Tree of the Future

The Neem is a tree from the Meliaceae family native to East Asia, India, and Burma that can reach 30 meters in height and about 2.5 meters in diameter.

The seeds are an important source of limonoids, triterpenoid compounds also found to some extent in the leaves, bark, and other tissues.

Over 100 biologically active compounds have been identified in the tree. The main ones are: azadirachtin, azadiradione, fraxinellone, nimbin, salannin, salannol, vepinin, vilasinin, etc. It has numerous medicinal properties, so much so that in India it is called "the village pharmacy."

For centuries, Indians have used this plant to treat pain, fever, and infections, and they clean their teeth with its twigs, treat skin disorders with the juice extracted from the leaves, and drink the infusion as a tonic.

The Neem, found in tropical regions, belongs to the mahogany family. Since it rarely sheds its leaves, it provides shade all year round.

It grows quickly, requires little care, and survives well in poor soils.

It was introduced to West Africa at the beginning of the 20th century to provide shade and prevent the Sahara Desert from expanding southward.

In addition to providing year-round shade in very hot countries, its termite-resistant wood is used in construction and carpentry.

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Plant Neem


The Tree with Precious Seeds

The Néré, like the Acacia, belongs to the Mimosa family and is native to the Sahelian and Sudanese regions.

The trunk is straight, the bark is smooth, and it can reach up to 25 meters in height.

What makes it special are its seeds, with a mature tree producing over 100 kg of them annually.

The Néré provides many high-quality nutrients (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, iodine, various vitamins). It is therefore a very important source for Africa in terms of quality food and nutrition.

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Plant Nerè


The tree of health

It appears as a small, sparsely branched tree with a trunk up to 10 meters tall. The trunk, even in mature specimens, has a soft, slightly woody texture and features scars produced by the growth and fall of the upper leaves.

The sap has a milky consistency and is toxic in its natural state for humans, potentially causing allergic irritations upon contact with the skin.

The leaves, arranged in a rosette at the top of the trunk, are broad, palmately lobed, and 50–70 cm in diameter.

The fruit, the papaya, has a delicate texture and an oblong shape, and can be green, yellow, orange, or pink in color. It can weigh up to 9 kg.

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Plant Papaia

Our recent projects

Project country flag

Aman Iman l’acqua è vita: il pozzo di Acarara

Acarrara (Niger)

2011, Libya, war: A Tuareg man, who emigrated as a child from Niger to Libya due to the conflict his people faced, is once again forced to flee and arrives in Italy, first in Lampedusa and then in Tre...

Project country flag

Agro Foresterie Senegal

Toubacouta (Senegal)

The agroforestry project in Senegal is a collaboration between the Federation of Organic Farmers of Senegal (FENAB), local communities in the Sine Saloum region, and various supporters, including citi...

Project country flag

Formazione Salvaguardia Montagna

Razzuolo (Italy)

The FOSAM (Mountain Protection and Training) project had two editions aimed at training Italians and foreigners in severe socio-economic conditions in the Mugello area.The project focused on training ...

Project country flag

Green Arrow

Varie location (Burkina Faso)

The Green Arrow project is an initiative that has taken root in Burkina Faso with the primary goal of creating small forests around schools located in the Sahelian areas of the country. This project w...

Our recent news

The Saloum Delta: World Heritage and Biodiversity Sanctuary

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Inglese: Gendered Environmental Migrants

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The Forest Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for the Planet’s Future

Key Terminology: Deforestation, Forest Degradation, and Deforestation Let’s start with a brief explanation of some fundamental concepts; "deforestation" simply refers to the removal of trees a...

Abdou Touré: The Man Growing His Own Food in the Heart of the City

In the Zac Mbao neighborhood on the outskirts of Dakar, the street leading to Abdou Touré’s home is notable for its cleanliness and lush greenery. This picturesque corner, enriched with flowers an...

Our forests

The Forest of Joy

The Forest of Joy is a project born from the initiative of Alessia Posca and Eric Staltari, founders of the Elefanteveg brand and authors, who wanted to transform the commitment of their community into a concrete action for the protection of the planet.