Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Version 1.0.4, May 2024

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions section!

We are pleased to welcome you to the heart of the most frequently requested information about our organization. Here you will find answers to common questions that may arise regarding our mission, projects, participation methods, and much more.
We are constantly working to improve the lives of children and their communities, and we believe that transparency and clarity are fundamental to our commitment. So, if you have questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
We are here for you, ready to share information and provide support.
Thank you for your interest and the support you offer us on our journey. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.


What does NGO mean?

NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization and this term identifies specific organizations that focus their activities on development cooperation and are recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and listed on a specific list.


What is a Third Sector Entity (ETS)?

An ETS, or Third Sector Entity, is a non-profit organization that operates in the field of social solidarity, charity, and cooperation, playing a crucial role in promoting social well-being and assisting those in need. ETSs include associations, foundations, NGOs, and similar organizations. They are regulated by specific laws and often enjoy tax benefits to encourage their contribution to the common good.


What is the Single Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS)?

The Single Register of the Third Sector (RUNTS) is a public register established in Italy to record all third sector organizations (ETS) operating in the country. RUNTS provides information on the activities, organizational structure, and budget of registered entities, contributing to transparency and oversight of the sector. Registration in RUNTS offers a range of benefits, including access to public funding and the possibility of tax relief.


What does Onlus mean?

Onlus stands for Non-Profit Organization of Social Utility and indicates a tax category to which, according to art. 10 of Legislative Decree no. 460 of December 4, 1997, certain private entities belong, even without legal personality, whose articles of association or constitutive acts meet the requirements listed in the same article. Belonging to this category allows the possibility to benefit from tax advantages.


Who makes up Bambini nel Deserto?

By Italian and foreign citizens resident in Italy or abroad who can apply to be a Member after a year of voluntary work with Bambini nel Deserto.


How do I become a Member of Bambini nel Deserto?

All adult citizens, Italian and foreign, residing in Italy or abroad, who have completed one year of active and continuous volunteer work within the organization, can apply to become Members of Bambini nel Deserto. Membership requires payment of the annual membership fee.


What are the requirements to become a volunteer for Bambini nel Deserto?

Collaborating with Bambini nel Deserto does not require specific skills: anyone can provide a useful service by making their skills and knowledge available to the organization. Bambini nel Deserto requires that anyone who collaborates knows the Statute and Internal Regulations of the organization. It does not matter how much time one can spend, especially for activities in their own area of residence: what matters is that the commitment made is not then disregarded. Bambini nel Deserto operates mainly in French-speaking countries: to participate in expeditions and missions, it is advisable to know the language in use.


How are funds raised through Bambini nel Deserto’s appeal spent?

The allocation of funds raised to various projects is planned in the budget forecast approved each year by the General Assembly of Members. The allocation decisions are the responsibility of the Projects Office, which assesses the priority level of each project proposal submitted to various sector managers. At the core of the allocation decisions is the principle that no less than 75% of expenses must be allocated to project implementation and a maximum of 25% reserved for administrative expenses. To date, Bambini nel Deserto has always comfortably stayed within this 25% threshold allocated to management costs.


How can I make a donation?

You can use the DONATE NOW buttons on the website to make a donation either for general purposes or for a specific project via PayPal or Credit Card. Alternatively, at the bottom of each page of the website, you will find the IBAN code of our organization for bank transfers.


Can I specify which project or campaign my donation should go to?

By making a donation from the specific project page, the donation will be immediately allocated to the selected project.
When making a bank transfer or PayPal or Credit Card donation, it is essential to specify in the “purpose” field which project or campaign the donation is intended for: the Fund Raising Manager and all those who collaborate with Bambini nel Deserto will ensure that your donation reaches the chosen project or campaign. In the case of a general donation, the General Assembly of Members of Bambini nel Deserto and its various collaborators will choose the projects or campaigns to allocate the funds to.


How are Bambini nel Deserto’s accounts audited?

According to the Statute of the Association, the accounts of Bambini nel Deserto are audited by an external Chartered Accountant, chosen by the General Assembly of Members, who carries out the audit and produces a report that is published in full in the annual budget, available to all members and to anyone interested.
Bambini nel Deserto is listed in the Single Register of Third Sector Entities – RUNTS and is a recognized NGO.


How can I find out more about Bambini nel Deserto’s transparency?

Transparency is one of the founding principles of Bambini nel Deserto. Each year, the General Assembly of Members approves the guidelines and the action plan for the year, and the Projects Office is responsible for overseeing the allocation of resources to the various projects.
Bambini nel Deserto believes it is essential to maintain continuous contact with its members and all those who wish to collaborate in order to ensure complete transparency. To this end, Bambini nel Deserto publishes the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors, the financial statements, and any other information considered relevant to the organization’s website.
Members can access the aforementioned documentation via their password-protected profile: should you wish to receive more information, the appropriate contact person will be at your disposal.
Bambini nel Deserto is at your service, always open to dialogue and available to clarify any doubts or concerns you may have.


What do the abbreviations BnD, SAD, D4A, and D4P stand for?

BnD stands for Bambini nel Deserto; SAD stands for “Support at a Distance”, D4A stands for “Aid Expedition”, and D4P stands for “Partnership to Carry Out Projects”.