17/03/2024, Redazione BnD
March 16, 2024 marked the beginning of an ambitious initiative that aims to position Italy as a European energy hub and to renew the collaboration model with Africa in six key sectors: education, health, water resources, agriculture, energy and infrastructure.
22/01/2024, Redazione BnD
The Non-Governmental Organizations involved in the project, Medicus Mundi Italia, Bambini nel Deserto and CESVI have come together to tackle the complexity of the local situation with determination.
02/01/2024, Luca Iotti
With the beginning of 2024, Children in the Desert is preparing to open a new chapter in its history, this time in the heart of the Sahara desert in Agadez, Niger. After more than twenty years of experience in this country, we are turning our vision into reality by creating Children in the Niger Desert, a new NGO that will carry forward our common mission of aid and development.
01/05/2023, Bambini nel Deserto
Only 5 out of 30 countries have reached or exceeded the target of 0.70% of gross national income (GNI) allocated to ODA. And Italy is not among them