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The UN leaves Mali: violence escalates

09/07/2024, Luca Iotti

Mali sees an escalation of violence in the regions of Menaka and Gao between Jihad and Wagner Africa Korpus

The Migrant Borders of Abdou Boubacar

04/06/2024, m.armanino

Fourteen useless months in prison for a young man just over twenty are not few. Abdou finds himself surprised, hungry and lost, counting the number of borders he has crossed since he was born who knows where, when, and why.

The double security and socio-political crisis underlying food insecurity in Niger

13/01/2024, Redazione BnD

In the far eastern regions, in Diffa; of the far West, in Tahoua and Tillabéry; and in the central south in Maradi, at least 20% of families, mainly made up of poor people, are faced with food deficits resulting from the effects of security shocks amplified by the impacts of the sociopolitical situation.