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Silver Oasis: A Project of Hope for Mohamed and His Tuareg Community

23/10/2024, Luca Iotti

In the heart of the desert, where sand meets the horizon and life seems suspended between past and present, there exists a story of resilience and hope. This is the story of Mohamed Ag Abasse, a man who lost everything but not his dignity and his desire for redemption. His story intertwines with the harsh […]

Devastating rains in Acarara

12/09/2024, Redazione BnD

In Niger severe floods caused by heavy and incessant rains have brought massive destruction. People do not remember such a situation in many years, with some speaking of 60, as recent climate changes have made the sporadicity, if not the absence of water, common in recent years, even during the rainy season. Official data speaks […]

Massacre of Farmers in the Sahel: The Stalemate of Military Governments

10/09/2024, Redazione BnD

The decision to withdraw French troops, made by Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger after a long and unsuccessful intervention, was supposed to mark the beginning of a new era for these countries led by military regimes. However, the results have fallen far short of expectations.

The Forest Crisis: A Wake-Up Call for the Planet’s Future

30/08/2024, Luca Iotti

Key Terminology: Deforestation, Forest Degradation, and Deforestation Let’s start with a brief explanation of some fundamental concepts; “deforestation” simply refers to the removal of trees and plants, which can range from management activities to actual destruction of forested areas. “Deforestation,” on the other hand, has a more negative connotation: it refers to deforestation when the […]

From Ukraine to the Sahara: new and unexpected alliances

06/08/2024, Luca Iotti

Kyiv is accused of providing support to Tuareg militias against the Russian Wagner “security forces” hired by the Malian government. In the heart of the Sahara, an intricate mosaic of international tensions is being painted in increasingly dark hues. A recent armed clash in the remote locality of Tinzaouaten, in the Kidal region on the […]

The Niger: River of Life and Challenges in the Heart of the Sahel

03/08/2024, Luca Iotti

The Niger River, a lifeline for millions in West Africa, flows through a region full of challenges. In Mali and Niger, two Sahelian countries grappling with jihadist threats and adverse climate conditions, the river remains a constant source of sustenance and hope. The once-thriving ecosystem of the Niger’s inner delta, an area comparable in […]

Book Donation in Burkina Faso: Celebrations at the Moguéya School

25/07/2024, Bambini nel Deserto

In Moguéya, in a time marked by profound difficulties for Burkina Faso, a small yet significant gesture of solidarity becomes an occasion for celebration.

In Cadiz on the Spanish Atlantic coast, a beach bar for Africa

17/07/2024, Luca Iotti

magine a golden beach, the sun slowly setting, painting the sky with a thousand shades of orange and pink, and in the background, the sound of the Atlantic Ocean waves gently crashing on the shore. It’s right here in Cadiz, Spain, that Enrico Ruffa decided to plant his roots, opening a beach bar that quickly […]

The UN leaves Mali: violence escalates

09/07/2024, Luca Iotti

Mali sees an escalation of violence in the regions of Menaka and Gao between Jihad and Wagner Africa Korpus