20/12/2024, Nicola Grande
I don’t live in a bubble. I read newspapers, watch TV, and the internet provides the in-depth information I seek. Yet, I wasn’t prepared to witness firsthand what mass media fails to convey: reality. The four humanitarian trips I completed before taught me a lot but left something unresolved. It was only with the fifth, […]
06/08/2024, Luca Iotti
Kyiv is accused of providing support to Tuareg militias against the Russian Wagner “security forces” hired by the Malian government. In the heart of the Sahara, an intricate mosaic of international tensions is being painted in increasingly dark hues. A recent armed clash in the remote locality of Tinzaouaten, in the Kidal region on the […]
08/02/2024, Redazione BnD
"You can be a hero, just for one day" as David Bowie sang, the White Duke in "Heroes" is our anthem during humanitarian expeditions at every latitude; from desert to steppe. Each expedition to Ukraine is a journey of over 3,000 kilometres, in all weather conditions, often in the snow.